In Step with America's Little People
(Episode 8)
There is so much going on behind the scenes in Plasticopia. It takes a lot of work and skill in many different fields to bring each episode to our audience. Yesterday we talked to some girls in Wardrobe. Today we're going to travel all the way across the table to Carpentry, where they build the wonderful sets which make each episode so exciting and fresh.
Hi there.
I see you're building a kitchen. This wouldn't be for the Ratchet house, would it? The set you were supposed to have completed sometime in 2008?
"So we're a little behind schedule. Had to special order the door hinges and they sent the wrong kind and we had to yada yada...and then it was snowing, and you know we don't work in the snow..."
It doesn't snow in here. It's climate controlled. You have a roof over your head.Frankly, I just want you to finish the kitchen. You're holding up the show. Say, who's your little apprentice? She's very photogenic.
"Who, me?"
Yes, you. Have you ever thought of going in front of the camera?"
"Who, me?"
Is there some other photogenic little apprentice in this room?
"Well, if you mean me...truth is, I never wanted to be anything but a master carpenter, have a layer of grime beneath my fingernails, a dent in my head where I hit it with the backswing of a hammer, and wear this big old leather holster with screwdrivers and drills and whatnot hanging out of it."
Most girls would jump at...wait a minute ! Wait a minute! Is that the built-in oven you're working on?
You know, I'm thinking it might work better on the other side of the kitchen.
"You're kidding me, right?"
Hardly. As you well know, I lack anything akin to a sense of humor.
A little temperamental, aren't we?
Oh my gosh, do you really feel that way? I had no idea. I feel so...so insensitive. Thank you for calling it to my attention.
"You're toying with me, right?"
All I'm gonna say is, if you walk out on this job, you can kiss your acting career good-bye...come back here. Come back here! I'm talking to you! You'll be sorrrrry.
Come back....?
It was my good fortune recently to stumble upon a small overlooked community in the heart of my own neighborhood. The inhabitants invited me into their homes and shared their histories with me. My heart was touched. Hitherto these people have had no voice. Unaccountably ignored by telemarketers and pollsters alike, it is nevertheless apparent that we have much to learn from them. They are truly America's little people, their joys and plights mirroring the country at large.
I am not an anthropologist. Nor am I experienced in making documentaries. Yet I could not help but see how much we have to learn from these amazing individuals, and so set myself about the business of bringing their stories to the world.
America, welcome to Plasticopia!
Produced in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska.