

Oh Mitzi Mitzi

Mitzi has recently reconnected with an old friend, Lisa, from her college days. Lisa is an interior decorator, never married, and convinced that life has better things to offer Mitzi. "So what's going on with your love life? How long since you've had s-e-x?"

"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it's nobody's business."

"Do you have any esseyex, Aunt Lisa? Aunt Mabel says my mom needs some."

"Well there you have it. Sounds like we better find her some."

"I'll just find my own, thank you."

"Well, you better get hopping. What about that guy--the detective?"

"He's got a w-i-f-e. "

"I heard she ...l-e-f-t...three years ago."

"True. But you never know when ... people ...might...resurface. I don't need another h-e-a-r-t break."

"You're not still pining over J-a-c-k?"

"Oh, you mean Mr. A-s-s?"

"You are so not o-v-e-r him."

"If we're going to talk about this I need to put you-know-who to b-e-d."

"Can I have some ice cream before you put me to beady?"

"Eat your vegetables and we'll see about that."

"Okey dokey, Emo-em."

"I think the natives are picking up the language."

"Seems that way. How's your pig latin?"


Mickey said...

LOL! Very cute. :-) Little ones do tend to pick up the language very quickly. But they need to be careful, my mom still does the "spelling" of certain words and me and my sister have been grown for years. LOL!

Plasticopia said...

That's funny. I wonder if she still thinks she's hiding something? Or are they words that are too "hot" to speak aloud?